
Office Design: The Dos & Don’ts

Office Design in 2020

With thousands of office design trends continuously popping up, it is easy to lose the true meaning of suitable office space. The deeper you go, the more opinions, styles, and ideas you will come across.

However, designing an office space should not be difficult. An office space should be simple, functional, and accurate to the culture of the company. With the right look, you can easily create an office space that is just right for you. 

However, if you need a starting point, it is best to figure out what you should do and avoid. Therefore, whether you are redesigning, starting fresh, or are merely curious about your office space, consider the following dos and don’ts of office design. 

Do Take Advantage of Natural Light

A good office design takes advantage of natural light, especially if you will be spending most of your day in the office. Natural light’s importance is unmatched because it goes a long way in saving you money in electrical bills.

Furthermore, natural light is very refreshing and has a rejuvenating effect on the body, especially during a long workday. Natural light should be a priority, so if you do not have windows, consider glass walls and ceiling panels. 

Don’t Ignore Your Brand.

An office space should be a reflection of the brand in one way or the other. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to your brand as you design the space. Many business owners do not pay attention to matching the brand because they believe it is not necessary.

On the contrary, your office space should match your brand to present as professional, and let clients know that they are in the right place. Whether it is sticking to corporate colors on the walls or getting furniture that speaks to your brand’s quirks, ensure that you match your brand. 

Do Incorporate Minimalism

The trend of only keeping the necessary within your space is now part of good office design culture. Minimalism seeks to remove clutter, which frees up space. This is believed to allow creativity and productivity to flow through effectively.

When designing an office space, focus on only what you need. If you can get a less-bulky version of what you need that will still work correctly, then go for it. Less clutter will give you a cleaner and more professional look. Furthermore, it will make your office space look much more significant. 

Don’t Jump On Every Trend.

Standing desks, open designs, and many more trends have come, gone, and then come again. While it is tempting to jump on each of these trends for their advantages, you should consider a few factors first before incorporating a style. Some office spaces are better suited for individual areas while others are not based on size, the type of work that needs to be done, etc.

Some will see a significant improvement in productivity from standing desks while others will not. When a new trend pops up, always consider employees, space, and your brand before deciding.