
Smart Architecture

RNDC Detroit

Smart home technology is gaining traction with the rise in IoT (Internet of Things). Modern architects and designers are beginning to implement smart technologies into the design of homes, offices, commercial buildings and warehouses. Smart buildings are becoming more prevalent and more innovative as technology advances.

Many people are now used to commonplace smart technology whether it’s indoor climate control, lighting or smart assistants. But as time goes on we will see architecture incorporate these features into the design with automated lights, locks, shades and shutters and security cameras.

There are many benefits of incorporating smart architecture into design. One is security. Security is essential for making homes and commercial buildings safe. Security starts with the physical layout but also optimizes technological services/products. This includes monitoring employees, networks, and guests.

Smart architecture can also help reduce cost. Smart architecture is designed to be clean and energy efficient. The design can help reduce the cost of HVAC, lighting, and internal utilities. It can also help with fire prevention. Good architects know that buildings should be designed to meet the needs of all people who wish to use them. In order to improve accessibility buildings can be built with automated processes and sensor technology. This will impact how users interact with the building itself and can help personalize experiences.

Many businesses are already opting for an open layout, this is a feature that will continue throughout smart architecture. And open layout allows employees to “float” rather than stick to a specific area to work. It helps with collaboration and ensures they have spaces for socialization and privacy. Flexible design allows for less confined spaces and optimizes the space used.

Smart architecture is built with the understanding that current technologies will change and shift and must keep up with projections for the future. Upgrading a home or commercial property to introduce smart technologies will soon no longer be secondary. The rapid adoption of IoT reveals a desire to have these technologies built into their everyday lives.

Your smart assistant running things in your home may be a standard feature of buildings in the future. The same way the smart assistant gathers data about how you use lights, doors and security systems within your home is how smart buildings will monitor usage on a larger scale. The intention is to provide whoever is using the building or dwelling with a safe, comfortable and secure environment.

What is a smart feature you would like to see incorporated into your home or office?